Five ways to use plants for healing
When we strengthen our personal connection with plants, we strengthen our personal connection to nature.
“To touch the earth is to have harmony with nature.”
- Oglala Sioux proverb
As humans, we have a primal attraction to plants. Their aesthetics fascinate, inspire, sustain, and comfort us in many ways. Plant life has been on Earth for about 500 million years- much longer than human beings. Each plant possesses its own intrinsic intelligence, consciousness and even sentience- a fact that has been confirmed by over 100 years of scientific research.
Throughout prehistory (before the shift from hunt/gather societies to sedentary agricultural societies about 12,000 years ago) plants were essentially one of our only sources of food, shelter, fuel and medicine. In fact, before the advent of synthetic materials in the late 19th century, our planet was still fully enveloped by natural materials. Unsurprisingly, because of our natural symbiotic relationship with plants, they can heal us on many levels. There are countless ways that we can nourish ourselves with plants, but here are five of the easiest ways that we can discover those healing properties in our daily lives.
As we just stated- plants were one of our earliest sources of food. Knowing that, it might seem like eating them is the most obvious way that we can utilize them for healing. But have a look at the shelves of your grocery store and you will realize why I put it on the list! It is safe to say that processed and synthetic food has taken over our consumeristic society. Whether we consume plants for sustenance, medicine or social rituals- eating them is one of the easiest ways to tap into botanical energy. What we take into our bodies is very important and can have a powerful effect on our bodies and minds.
What we put onto our bodies is also super important! Although it’s much more convenient nowadays to reach for a synthetic alternative, we can use plants to treat many skin rashes, ailments, and wounds. I have personally experienced how the power of botanicals can have a profound effect on your skin (and overall health). From wrinkles to psoriasis, muscle pains to bruises or poison ivy- there is an all-natural way to address your skin concern. I promise! That is what inspired me to start Jivana Wellness Co..
Growing plants can provide you not only with food and flowers, but also deep fulfillment and sense of meaning. This can be healing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. You don’t need to have a big garden or live in the forest- even tending houseplants can provide the benefits of improved air quality, enhanced cognition, stress reduction, mental clarity and simply boosting your mood.
Whether it’s cooking dinner, infusing herbs, or drying petals for your scrapbook- there is something very therapeutic about creating with plants. When we strengthen our personal connection with plants, we strengthen our personal connection to nature. Using our hands to create something new is a wonderful way to do this.
Humans have historically burned plants for warmth, light, healing and ritualistic purposes. Even today, burning plant matter has therapeutic effects on human beings. For instance, is there anything better than a bonfire on a cool autumn night? Smudging and burning incense are also well known examples of burning plant matter for ritualistic or healing purposes. And if combustion isn’t your thing- there is also aromatherapy! Aromatherapy is the practice of using the scents of plant extracts for healing without fire.